Best Vibratory Concrete Screed
The Best Vibratory Concrete Screed is Tool for making concrete road, concrete floor, Car Park and Aircraft Field, concrete basement, Factory Floor and Warehouse Floor requiring smoothness, density and efficient working time. Span 3.0 m to 22 meters.
Distributor Concrete Truss Screed Jakarta
The Best Vibratory Concrete Screed is applied to concrete floors that need standard, homogeneous concrete, and eficiency. Truss Screed Vibrator with length and width specially designed with precise adjusments for flat and concrete consolidation capability with thickness up to 25 cm.
Distributor Concrete Truss Screed Jakarta
TIGON TG - CS1 Concrete Truss Screed
Tel: 021 - 25684894 (PT Getar Gemilang Sakti)
Email: [email protected]
Tlp Hp: 081318900569 (Jun)
Web: /
Specifications Concrete Truss Screed TIGON TG - CS1
Model: TG - CS1
Engine: GX -35
Power (Hp): 1.5
Size of blade (m): 1.2-1.8-2.4-3.0-3.6-4.3-4.9
Weight (kg): 20
Package (cm): 72 x 70 x 30